The wonder years are the years you wonder how you are going to get to the end of the day and then look back years later and wonder how all of those years went by so fast. The wonder years are scribbles and cheerios and tantrums and snuggles and piles of dishes and stacks of books and car seats and laughter and tears. The wonder years are you learning your child and growing in love for them each day alongside your child learning and growing as they experience the world around them with wonder and endless engagement.

They are messy, beautiful years that deserve to be documented. No flowery dresses and fields ablaze with sunsets — pjs, pancakes, sticky hands and snuggles are what these sessions are all about. These sessions are about documenting the beauty in the ordinary and mundane and celebrating the goodness in our day to day.

These sessions are a minimum of 3 hours, to give us time to let day unfold and capture various aspects of life in your home. The investment is $550, with $100 for each additional hour.